Saturday, November 1, 2008

Updating Soon

At some point I'll update this blog. Our external HD is in the dump and we have yet to replace it so all of my applications are very slow including scanning and doing any Photoshop corrections. Anyway, most of my work as of late has been working in my sketchbook waiting for Debbie in her physical therapy appointments. One of the things I will be showing is a painting I've been working on for wife about a parent's wish. I will update with the preliminary thumbs and final pencils on them.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Graphic Novel?

One of my colleagues at Art Institute, Santosh, has been encouraging me to do a graphic novel. He said that next year, he and some friends are going to have their own table at the Comic-Con and that I should show my stuff off. I've been thinking that perhaps I will begin a graphic novel this year in preparation for next year...perhaps a short story. Most of my stuff involves some degree of storytelling so this may be the right avenue for me to venture into. I do have a painting I need to finish of my daughter for my wife. When I have a decent enough image of it I will load it up here.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Welcome to My Blog

This is my first time blogging. These days I'm developing more sketches and observations more than anything else. I barely have time for anything else right now so, this is an extension of my sketchbook and observations. Enjoy.