Friday, September 21, 2012

Project 1: Chosen Thumbnails

My instructor finally critiqued my thumbnail sketches after 4 friggen days of waiting on her...the class is big though.  Anyway, here are the one's she chose, her comments and my cleaned up thumbnail I already started.....

Thursday, September 20, 2012

New Sketch: Bride

I'm taking my first Digital Painting class at AAU.  We got to choose the theme of Project 1 so, I decided to do a reiteration of The Bride of Frankenstein since I will be doing Conceptual Storytelling next quarter and for the love of classic horror movies.  So, here is my initial sketch.  Unfortunately, this is not the approved thumbnail I sent in as my instructor is extremely slow at critiquing thumbnails and we have to complete 10 color comps of the approved sketch.  I'll be pissed off if she lets it go another day.  Anyway, here are my thumbnail sketches and a color comp (not to be confused with a speed painting):

 I wanted her to appear that she is suspended by the very feeding tubes and wires that are supporting her life. 

At a certain point I'll get the speed painting thing down.  This took a couple hours....unfortunately.