Saturday, April 20, 2013

Character Design for Animators: Week 9

I didn't post this in order since I was waiting for my instructor's response.  She liked it and said I had an original take on the Minotaur.  I wanted to combine rhino hind legs and snout, give him a barrel chest and a main of hair.  I also wanted to give him some wicked horns.  I think I could have pushed the pose a bit more and she actually stated that a charging Minotaur would work better.  I think I might try a Minotaur in the style of one of my favorite character designers, Claire Wendling.  She already has a a Minotaur design but mine is quite different.  Her's is more anthropomorphic while mine is zoomorphic.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Character Design Week 10

Hopefully this will get a good review from my instructor. I've been raked over the coals the past 2 weeks and I need a break. I've been busting my ass trying to learn character design from someone who was brought up by the teachings of Walt Stanchfield at Disney.

So we had a choice between a stereotypical or non-sterotypical hero/heroine or villain.  I chose the non-stereotypical heroine.   The concept is she's kind of clumsy and too small for her clothing....kind of bony and uncomfortable.
 Barbarian Girl WIP

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Character Design for Animators: Week 8

I'm working way outside my comfort zone here but I think it works.  The line of action stiffened up too much during clean up....something I need to work on.  This often happens when working with graphite as this is the first character using it.  The previous ones I used PrismaColor Pencil and I think I'll go back to it since it's not forgiving and have to accept it as it is or do it over.  So, I did another alligator but a more whimsical one.  I wanted him to look timid but I should have pushed the gesture a bit more.