Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Wide and Narrow Roads

This is an illustration I did
for the NewSong Church bulletin for the April 26th services. It illustrates the broad road on the left that the world that "leads to destruction and many enter...." On the right is the narrow road that "leads to live, and only a few find it" (Matthew 7:13). The concept was given to me but it's a decent one at that. The image came out pretty good, too.

I referred to posted signage you find in Edna Valley in San Luis Obispo showing a list of the wineries at each intersection.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Demo for Conceptual Storytelling: Winter 09

This was a demonstration I did for my Conceptual Storytelling class at Art Institute of California-Inland Empire. This was completed within 1 1/2 hours in charcoal and white pastel on toned paper.