On a side note, I'm going to do what I can to keep my blog updated as my Mom has been following my progress. It came as a surprise to me when she told me a couple of weeks ago.

I believe the creative expression of the artist in drawing representational figures is contingent on the gesture of the pose....since it is the embraced as the story or the essence of the pose and movement of the pose. Without solid knowledge of the anatomy (proportions and muscular/skeletal structure, male and female differences) I would find it difficult to exaggerate the pose or create something more dynamic than what is presented by the model.
In each drawing we had to do the past 2 weeks everyone in my class drew specific areas of tendons whether they knew it or not. In some models and poses tendons are even more pronounce and if the artist has limited knowledge of the anatomy this can give their drawing a funny appearance (I know this from experience):
The entire top of the hands and feet are a system of tendons from the extensors and the knee joint itself is a system of tendons all the way around.
I've spent many years learning about the anatomy of the figure and will most likely spend the rest of my life doing just that.
A colleague of mine a couple years back began encouraging me to create my own graphic novels. I've always been a huge comic book fan but ever since doing my undergraduate degree I became fascinated with graphic novels....especially the painterly ones. Sequential storytelling is a direct link to narrative illustration so I imagine myself doing this, too.
Spiritually speaking (this is where it gets deep so read on if you dare), a few years ago I began doing performance art/illustration for my church during the worship services. As many of us are visual learners, it helped drive home the core teaching of the sermon dictated by the lead pastor and the dividends being involved artistically continues to this day. I imagine myself continuing to serve with my artistic gifts in 10 years.
I see myself still teaching college life drawing classes, too.