Wednesday, February 13, 2013

AAU Spring 2013

Why do I get this feeling I'm going to get my ass kicked this semester at AAU.  For the first time I'm taking 2 classes: Character Design and Layout Design for Animators.  On top of that I'm teaching at 2 different institutions (Art Institute of California - Inland Empire and Mt. San Antonio College).  After going back to teaching after being an academic chair for such a long time the routine is difficult to get used to.  In any case, taking classes at AAU is a blast.  This is my "do-over" as I get a chance to skyrocket like never before.  The stakes are much higher as the sacrifice and goals are much more important: My Family.  During my undergraduate at Art Center I was only working part time and had other obligations that prevented me from giving it my all.  Now eons later, it's time to make my mark as I'm much wiser than before and the benefits of finishing well will reap benefits for the rest of my career.  So, here I go!!!  I can tell that due to my instructors I'm going "FULL TILT" this quarter like never before.  Prayerfully...hopefully, I will finish well.  Both of my instructors have a great reputation and have a full career of great work at Disney, Pixar, Don Bluth, etc. and are still working in the industry.  Stay tuned for updates as I plan to be absolutely in my postings here.

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